Psychological Documentation

For Students with Psychological and/or Attention Disabilities (ADD/ADHD)

Eligibility criteria for disability-related support services at the University of Arkansas- Monticello for students with psychological and/or attention disorder include:

  1. Verification of diagnosis and severity of disabling condition from a qualified treating professional (e.g. psychiatrist for ADD/ADHD, psychologist or psychiatrist for other psychological disorders). Verification must be provided by the student.
  2. Verification must include a detailed description of how this impairment significantly limits a major life activity in an educational setting.

To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate services for students with psychological or attention disorders at the University of Arkansas-Monticello, current and comprehensive documentation of the disability is required. This documentation must include:

  • Information from which the diagnosis was made.
  • A description of the student's functional limitations in an educational setting.
  • The severity (e.g. use of Global Assessment of Functioning Scale Score) and longevity of the condition.
  • A description of the effectiveness of current treatment.
  • Recommendations for additional treatment/assistance.

The following list should be used as a guide by the student's licensed professional.

  1. DSM-IV Diagnosis.
  2. Date of Diagnosis (last contact with student).
  3. Current Global Assessment of Functioning (GFA) Scale Score.
  4. What instruments/procedures were used to diagnose the psychological disorder.
  5. Describe symptoms which the criteria for this diagnosis with approximate date of onset.
  6. In order to determine the impact of this student's disorder on academic activities such as exam-taking, note taking and concentrating, please describe what major life activity(s) is/are impacted by this disorder as well as the degree of significance of this in part. Please identify if you have observed this directly or would anticipate it occurring in an educational setting.
  7. What measures (formal or informal) were used to assess the educational impact of the psychological condition or ADD/ADHD.
  8. Recommendations regarding effective academic accommodations to equalize this student's educational opportunities at the post-secondary level. Describe the services or accommodations needed for exam administration, classroom or study activities needed for fulfillment of course requirement.
  9. Is this student currently taking medication? If so, what is the medication?
  10. Does this medication need to be monitored?
  11. With appropriate treatment (e.g. counseling, medication, etc.), does this student continue to need the above services or accommodations (as defined in #8)? If so, why?
  12. In addition to the diagnostic report and educational assessment, please attach any other information relevant to this student's academic needs.
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